LESSON – Johannes Biegl – drummer – teacher – musical director – Ableton operator


All about learning drums with me.



Music has a unique effect on our emotions, it can make us happy or sad, or even amplify the current emotion we are feeling.


It’s been widely studied and proven that learning an instrument improves memory; it not only improves your cognitive memory but also muscle memory as well.

It’s Fun!

Even though there is an extensive amount of scientific reasoning stating why music training is so beneficial, you should learn a musical instrument simply because it is so incredibly fun to do so.


Basic plan

30min per week
  • fixed day & time
  • for children*
  • contract**

pro plan

45min per week
  • fixed day & time
  • for adults*
  • contract**


Ticket for 5x 45min
  • selectable date
  • for everyone
  • no contracts

* recommended
** no annual contract; can be canceled every 3 months

STUDENT Testimonials


Sure. Your first session with me (aprox 45 Minutes) costs 30€. .

Just text me! 

Basically everything what you want to learn regarding drums. 
Here are some topics we could work on:

  • playing your favorite songs with your means (I will reduce grooves and fill´ s for your level of playing)
  • transcribing your favorite songs and learning them note for note
  • arranging, recording & mixing drums for songs of your band or drumcovers
  • reading notes & drumcharts
  • grooves & fills of different genres
  • effective practicing
  • hand- & foot-technique
  • preparations for the entrance examination of German universities
  • specific timing & groove exercises
  • tuning
  • business moves

I don’t work with one pre-prepared system. 
Every student is a different learner and has different goals. Sometimes I work with books and sometimes with handwritten paper sheets. I use common systems like syncopation, odd-groupings and rudiments to just name a few. With some students I don´t work with notation at all. It all depends on who you are and what are your personal goals.

You can pay via Bank-Transfer, PayPal or Cash in advance of your lesson(s).

Absolutely not. Whether you’ve never picked up a drumstick in your life or you play every single day, I’m confident we can find a lesson plan that works best for you.

I recommend between 20-30 minutes a minimum of three times a week; however, there really is no objective answer. In general,  how much a student practices really depends on how much time they have, level of motivation and their personal goals.

This is probably the most common self-criticism people make before they start playing drums. In reality, learning drums is something that everyone can do who really wants to learn.

Yes. My studio is set up to deliver proper video (4 angles) and sound signals via zoom to you. 

All you need is a camera, a microphone for your laptop, phone or tablet and your instrument – no fancy equipment. Headphones with a mic, such as apple headphones, may help you to hear more clearly.